Love Where You Live
Bexhill Art Trail Map
Here you will find all the information you need about the murals, places in Bexhill and much more - We are always looking for new spots and funding to keep the art fresh so do bare with us if some have been weathered along the way.

King Offa Project - Down Road
Massive thank you to:
All the wonderful students of King Offa that helped design the new masterpiece.
Rother Voluntary Action for helping us provide such a project. Through funding from Making it Happen.
And of course artist Luke Brabants Artist
We’ve had so much fun with this one!

Owner of KALEIDODSIGNS Matt Hards wanted to spruce up his road, you will see this art by 'Its.Artista' just off London Road.

ArtWave Alley
We got together with local residents and created an alley that would be more interesting to our community. Thank you to Police Crime Commissioner who helped with funding.

Equueleus - All Saints Lane
Thank you to the wonderful Kyley for approaching us, she wanted to bring a bit of happiness to the children of All Saints C.E Primary

Beeching Studios - Beeching Road
Opening Hours: Open to the public Fri – Sat 10 am - 3 pm (Visits can also be arranged by appointment) for more info:

Windmill Drive
This is what we were working with - thank you to the owners that gave us the opportunity to make this are more appealing.

Serenity Lurcene - Mitten Close
Thank you to Lucerne House, Manager Zac Jones, Lurcenes residents and the Painted Ladies for making this project a success!

Sid the Octosquid - West Parade
Working with Howard Martin , Bexhill Chamber of Commerce and Neil Brennan from Sovereign Light Cafè we wanted to bring something different that stood out from the rest - with a subtle environmental message, keep up the recycling Bexhill!

Natured Emporium - Sackville Road
We wanted to give this shop a facelift by bringing urban decay and nature together.

Collington Underpass
We have tackled this underpass for three years - its a continuous effort, but we always look forward to giving it a fresh paint.

Rainbow in the Window - Cornwall Road
We have been so overwhelmed to be involved in this magical project. Massive thank you to artist Paco de Quesada and his family for letting us be a part of it.

Hungry Caterpillar - Wickham Avenue
Who doesn't love caterpillars! this particular caterpillar turns into the Monarch butterfly which is featured in ArtWave Alley, just steps away.

Wavey Wall - Cornwall Road
Our first legal wall in Bexhill - Go and create something special for everyone to enjoy, risk free.

This project was entirely funded by the local community and is in celebration of Sammy the Seal visiting Bexhill with all his family.

Wave of Hope
A little boy called Harvey inspired us all in 2020. Sharing love and hope through art. These stones were then collected and the community paid tribute by making the Wave of Hope - you will find more info on the plaque there.

Tree of Hope
Tree of Hope ceremony in Bexhill in memory of all those who lost their lives during the Covid-19 pandemic. Photo taken by Derek Canty on 2/4/21 SUS-210504-095413001

Footbridge Project - Devonshire Square
The footbridge was unloved and grotty, that all changed after Diana and Tim Birch created the footbridge gallery.

Inspire -Sea Road
Opposite the station you will find a group of inspirational people - just zap the QR codes!

Town Hall - London Road
This is one you won't find on the map - you can see this one in Rother District Councils reception.